Senior Award

The 2015 prize was awarded to Dr. Massimiliano Mazzone

Dr. Massimiliano Mazzone
Dr. Massimiliano Mazzone

Massimiliano Mazzone graduated in Medical Biotechnology at the University of Turin, Italy, and performed his PhD in Cell Science and Technologies at the Institute for Cancer Research of Torino. In November 2006, he moved to Belgium as EMBO postdoctoral fellow at the University of Leuven, Belgium. Since September 2009, he is heading the Lab of Molecular Oncology and Angiogenesis, at VIB, and he is Professor at the University of Leuven.


Mazzone has contributed to the field of oncology understanding the mechanisms of cancer metastasis and to vascular biology identifying a new endothelial cell phenotype, which forms the blood vessel wall in perfused tissues. Since he is independent group leader, his team is focusing in studying the response of inflammatory cells to hypoxic conditions in order to restore blood flow and regulate favorably the immune response in conditions such as cancer and ischemic pathologies. He is author in 65 papers, and has 6000 citations, and 32 of H-index. He has been invited to speak in more than 60 international conferences and holds an ERC starting grant and EMBO Young Investigator Award. He is in the editorial board of several journals and serves as reviewer for more than 20 peer-reviewed journals, and as consultant for different biotech companies.