SIBBM 2024 • Frontiers in Molecular Biology

Trento, Italy • 17-19 June 2024

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SIBBM Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
The Italian Society of Biophysics and Molecular Biology


The review of the 2022 SIBBM Seminar, RNA 3.0, is online at the following link. Enjoy!

Click HERE »

Thanks to the scientific organisers and main authors Michela Denti and Francesco Nicassio!

Training di laboratorio per giovani ricercatori soci SIBBM

L’iniziativa è riservata ai giovani ricercatori soci SIBBM (dottorandi e post-doc), con lo scopo di ampliare le competenze dei giovani soci ed aumentare networking all’interno della società. Possibilità di accreditamento nelle scuole di Dottorato

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Become a member of SIBBM

Find out how to become a member of SIBBM. You can choose between different categories of membership, apply for registration to our organization and access your personal page.

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Travel grants

SIBBM is awarding travel grants (max. 350 EUR per person) to Ph.D. students or postdocs who are SIBBM members with fully paid fees.

Travel grants
Visiting Fellowships

SIBBM supports visits to an Italian or foreign laboratory to facilitate collaborations with research groups applying techniques unavailable in the applicant's laboratory.

Visiting Fellowships
SIBBM Lectures

SIBBM Lectures provide financial support to SIBBM members for the invitation of high-profile foreign speakers to hold seminars on important topics in Italian institutions.

SIBBM Lectures
Job Offers
22 maggio 2024 Positions at INGM, Istituto Nazionale Genetica Molecolare, Milan
The Genome biology lab has multiple fully funded opportunities available for both young and experienced scientists, along with technician/lab manager roles.
29 aprile 2024 Posizione RTT presso CIBIO - Università di Trento
SCADENZA: 16 MAGGIO ore 12.00. Posizione con contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo determinato di n. 1 ricercatore/ricercatrice in tenure track, ai sensi dell’art. 24 della Legge 30 dicembre 2010 n. 240, presso il Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare, Computazionale e Integrata - CIBIO, settore concorsuale 05/E2 (Biologia molecolare), settore scientifico disciplinare BIO/11 (Biologia molecolare)
08 aprile 2024 PhD student position at University of Padua and Venetian Institute Molecular Medicine
The laboratory of Prof. Massimo Santoro is seeking a PhD student to study endothelial signaling and metabolic pathways in Endo-MT-driven pathological angiogenesis. The positions will start 2024 (flexible).

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